Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Gifts from The Rock

I couldn't very well go to Newfoundland without bringing back a few gifts for Robyn and her little guy so I shopped a bit while I was there and found this cute little t-shirt for Sean:

It's probably going to be a little big, but at some point I'm sure he'll be able to wear it.

I got an awesome gift for Robyn as well first thing was some Cherry print fabric, some lobster coasters, since she was joking about me bringing her back some lobster. I never could have imagined I would find the best part of her gift though... Here he is... The Knitting Lobster:

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He's the awesome-est.Apparently it's from a Newfoundland souvenir Christmas ornament collection, but what a better gift for a lobster loving knitter. I Hope she likes it.

1 comment:

Montreal Mama said...

I more than love the lobster knitting! :)

See you tomorrow!