Sunday, September 23, 2007

Roxham Wool Gathering

Ok, so I realize I'm a little tardy in this post, since it was over a week ago and everyone else who went has already talked about it. But that's just me and I never manage to blog things on time.

Robyn invited me to go with her on Sunday to the Roxham Wool Gathering in southern Québec right near the US border. It was nice but as Alison mentioned it wasn't really limited to wool and might have drawn a different crowd if marketed differently. I got myself some nice yarn, in merino/BFL mix, BFL = Blue Faced Leicester which I assume is a sheep. I've never used this before, but I'm told it's nice to work with. I love the colour.

I also saw my first sheep shearing, which I apprently didn't upload a picture of so I will steal one from Robyn who went there on Saturday and Sunday.

It was a very nice day overall, spent with fellow Montreal Knits gals Robyn, Kadi and Alison, also there was Kate and tadpole who was hanging out with Robyn's son Sean. (Sean seems to like older women) :o)

Sean was being quite the cutey patootie all day he even posed for me a couple of times:

The only problem with Roxham is that it made me want to see what Rhineback must be like, oh well, maybe next year.

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