Saturday, September 8, 2007

Stash enhancement

In the previous post, I talked about how having my own personal yarn pusher was going to be great... It is sooooo great. Check this out!!

Colinette Jitterbug in Raspberry (mmm... yummy yarny goodness)

Next I ordered some Cascade 220 from her.

that's 4 black in the back there, 4 heathers blue and 2 heathers green

This yarn will be knitting up into two scarves; Binary from (black and green) and Here and There Cables from Scarf Style. (blue).

Robyn is not, however, my only yarn source, although if I can get it from her I will go with her, not only because she's my best friend but also because her prices are great.

On a recent trip to walmart, I acquired this eco-cotton, which I've seen a few times, and hesitated on since it has no yardage or manufacturer info, but for under $3 for 225g I couldn't resist.

During the week we had to go to the vet to get nugget fixed, and I knew there was a yarn store in the area so after we had dropped him off we went and I got something that I sent to my secret pal (which I can't post here just in case) and this lovely find:

That my friends is fiddlesticks laceweight in sage (50% merino and 50% silk).. OMG. I want to make a shawl with it. Although I have to find a nice pattern. Don't hesitate to leave suggestions if you have any.

That will be all for the yarn porn for tonight, I hope every one's enjoyed themselves :oP


Montreal Mama said...

Great yarn you have there!

Ali P said...

Fiddlesticks is sooooooooo gorgeous and sooo tempting!