Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Moutain Knitting

Ok. I've been a bad blogger once again. I feel like it's been very hectic lately, although at the same time, I don't feel like I've done much. I never could understand that phenomenon.

So 2 weekends ago me and JF decided to hike up a small mountain. Mont-St-Hilaire which is south of Montreal. I wasn't so sure about that since I haven't really been active too much lately due to being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea a few months ago. It was one of those warm-ish autumn days that was just beautiful. I'm so glad I agreed to go cause I love the fall colours and I hadn't really taken it in this year. Here are some highlights:

twisty mountain trail

view from the top!

I'm the queen of the world

Not a huge mountain but still good for someone as inactive as me

I only knit about a row on the mountain, but I decided it was just something I had to do. If I was going to hike up a moutain, then I was going to knit when I got to the top.

Overall it was a beautiful day with beautiful fall colours and I'm pretty darn proud of what I accomplished.

1 comment:

Ali P said...

Thats so awesome!! We should organise a 2 family (or more) hike sometime. We went to one place (that I don't remember the name of) but spent so much time playing in the river catching crayfish we decided that just turning back and hiking out again was long enough. It was a mountain hike with water falls up past St Donat? I think? One thing I do SO love about this province is its natural wonders and beauty. Love love love hiking but not too fast as I am a fat sleepy girl.
Even just Mount Royal is a lovely walk.