Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I failed blogging....

Ok... so I officially suck at blogging.... In recent news I've frogged Isabella because I didn't have enough yarn for it or so says Mona anyway... Just teasing Mona, she kept telling me I didn't have enough, and I kept knitting anyway because I really wanted to knit it but oh well.. Since then I have knit two standard issue bernat handicrafter cotton dishcloths.. (oh yay! so exciting).

For the stitch marker exchange that Robyn hosted I
sent to Barb, Anita (blogless I think) and Karine, I also made a set for our lovely hostess.

Pink for Barb, Blue for Anita, Green & Brown for Karine and Clear with colour for Robyn.

I haven't photographed the stitch markers I've rece
ived yet but I will post as soon as I have.

I have been spending most of my time hanging out with my little kitten who finally has his own photospace. I'll leave you with this little teaser:
Otherwise life is good, and hopefully I will find me a pattern that I like and that I don't have to buy new yarn for, I really have to knit something from stash cause I keep buying stuff cause its pretty but I can't ever seem to find anything that I like to knit it up with.

Until next time..


Montreal Mama said...

Your cat is too cute.

Love the stitch markers.

Call me later!

K. said...

Nugget is such a freaking cutie!!!! Thos stitch markers are pretty damn nice too!