Sunday, July 8, 2007

Birthday Meme

I was tagged by Robyn.

The rules: Go to Wikipedia and type in your birth month and date (mine is June 16), then post 3 events, 2 births and a holiday. Then tag 5 others. I tag: nobody since everyone I know has already done this one.

Birthday: August 23rd

1541 - French explorer Jacques Cartier lands near Quebec City in his third voyage to Canada.
1833 - Slavery abolished in the British colonies.
1959 - Sally Brown debuts on the Peanuts strip (as an infant).

1936 - Henry Lee Lucas, American serial killer (I wrote a report on him in High School - we needed to do a report about a Serial Killer).
1970 - River Phoenix, American actor (From one of my favourite movies Stand by Me)

Romania - Liberation Day.

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