Saturday, September 1, 2007

Briggs and Little

So I already talked about how I found Brigg's and Little while in Newfoundland for very inexpensive. I was so excited, I could finally allow myself to buy enough yarn to make myself a sweater (even though I don't really wear sweaters). It'll probably turn into a vest or two, or possibly a very warm cardigan. Anyway.. lets get to the pictures!!

First up is Sheep's grey, which I consider to be kind of oatmeal-ey. A nice neutral.

Next is the Anniversary Twist, which for a limited time Brigg's and Little is offering for $1.50 for every two balls of regular priced yarn sold. Since I'd bought 10 of the Sheep's Grey I decided to take 5 of this beautiful mixed blue colour

When I got back to my hometown, there was a lot more of Brigg's and Little to be had and for even cheaper than I'd originally found it, but I decided to control my self since I had no idea what I could do with this much itchy-ish yarn. So I just bought what I hope is enough for a nice pair of traditional fair-isle mittens.

I hope to be able to get my hands on more of this stuff very soon, since I have recently learnt that they also have a sock weight (YAY!!)

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