Friday, February 22, 2008

New yarn

As Caroline already mentioned on her blog, Veronik wanted to destash a little so she called upon a few of us to help her out. I can't say no to free yarn (although I was careful only to take stuff that I will use.

Here's some of what I got:

Veronik's destash
Cone of blue 100% wool, about 400g.

Veronik's destash
Various Alpaca blends (I ♥ Alpaca)

Veronik's destash
Two balls of Patons UpCountry to go with the One ball I already had, I'm pretty sure that one ball was from Veronik as well.

I also got a few one ball yarns that I will try out and use to compliment other yarns that I have. As well as some rainbowy sock yarn that had half a sock attached to it.

That same day I headed to Ariadne, since I wouldn't be able to attend their Valentines Day sale due to being in Québec. One of my favourite yarns that they carry is going to be no longer available so I'd decided that I needed some. Preferably enough to make something substantial. I already had a few balls in a few different colours so I was thinking that I'd just buy more of those colours. This didn't workout however because they didn't have the colours left. So I found a bag of 10 balls in a nice teal colour with the 4 balls of the same colour that were on the shelf and I bought them. It was a rather large investment for me, but I really like the yarn and I decided to treat myself, since I'm getting a nice tax return this year. Here she is in all her glory:

Susan Andrew Collection Warani.

Due to my tax return I also made an order on Knit Picks for the yarn for Thermal as well as a few other non-yarn purchases. I will post photos when it arrives.

Stay tuned for my new ongoing projects.

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