Thursday, June 21, 2007

Monkey business

I decided to cast on for Monkey after seeing Brainylady's pair both online and in person. I was able to knit most of my leg on my way to Toronto a couple of weekend's ago.

Since getting back I have finished the heel.. Here's my progress:

I cast on at Robyn's here's a few pics of all of us. We each took a pic of the other three and then Robyn's Husband took a couple of the four of us.

Kadi, Me, and Caroline

Kadi, Me, and Robyn

Robyn, Me and Caroline

Kadi, Robyn and Caroline

All four of us (Kadi, Me, Caroline and Robyn)

Yesterday a few of us went to Peel pub for some alcohol induced knitting. Robyn has proof, so I'm gonna steal borrow a picture. You can see the rest on Robyn's blog.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

In non knitting news my little Nugget is growing too fast. He's getting so big..

Here's a pic from just after we got him on JF's shoulder:

And here is is just a week ago:

Isn't the difference crazy, that's just in two months.

later daze.


Montreal Mama said...

Yey an update! Whoot!

Nugget is getting SOOOO BIG! Hee hee.

A few more posts to go for a spot in SP11! :)

Ali P said...

I want to pet da kitteh...oooh can't get through de scrrreeen. Poop. I wanted to pet da kitteh!!!
Have a groovy summer, A. I will be in NS as of this coming weekend.