Thursday, August 23, 2007

SP11 Birthday Package

Happy Birthday to me!

My secret pal officially rocks!!! As soon as she found out it was my birthday (1 week after the official start of SP11) she packed me up a package and sent it out. It's great, she says in her card (and I quote) "I didn't have much notice for your Bday so I've sent some of my own handspun" as if it was a bad thing. I'm so honoured to receive someone's handspun, I just imagine the work that went in to it.

Check out it and the other goodies:

So we have the handspun at the left. some yellow and pink fuzzy stuff (polwarth?) and some ribbon/ladder yarn that will definitely be a scarf, I also got a bath bomb, some milk bath powder in Milk Chocolate (mmmmmmm), and some lovely green crocheted beads.

Thank you so much Secret pal, I'm so spoiled!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so welcome! Happy belated birthday and enjoy the gifts.

(and the pink/yellow is Polworth, it's my fav to spin)

Your Secret Pal