Friday, May 9, 2008

Newfoundland Trip

Ok, so I'm not gonna bother to apologize for not posting for 2 months, I'm just gonna do it. I will however apologize for the fact that I'm about to do 10 posts in the span of 24 hours.

I actually tried to post while in Newfoundland, but the Internet in my hometown is over-used and therefore stupidly slow. I couldn't get my pictures uploaded so I just gave up. It wasn't as exciting a trip as the last few, and that is ok. I really need a vacation where the only thing distracting me was the sound of the ocean.

The highlight of my trip was the fact that my dad bought me my very own lobster, he was a little small but it was just right. Usually I only get the legs and claws from the lobster he buys for himself.

One of my best friends from highschool is pregnant again so I decided to make her a little outfit for her baby. I made Trellis from knitty and designed a hat to go with it.


Trellis Hat

This same friend is now a hair stylist so when I go home I get her to do my hair, cause it's so much cheaper because it's a small town. She put in some blonde and red highlights.


While I was there my brother celebrated his birthday, it was my parents anniversary and mother's day was just after I left. We decided to go out for a family supper to celebrate everything all at once.


On the way back to the airport we saw a caribou. He's smallish and has no antlers because it was spring.


I enjoyed my trip and I also scored some Briggs and Little Tuffy while I was there in all the colours I could find. I didn't photograph them but I will and post a picture sometime later.

1 comment:

Montreal Mama said...

LOVE the lobster pic! That one was just for me, right?